Lights Camera Action! Shifting shoot locations from living room to the bedroom, to the terrace or the garden while changing the lighting mode from day to night and more! Imagine having to shoot an entire web-series confined to merely a square-footed residence? Unbelievable isn’t it!! Well, taking all these challenges in its stride, Dice Media did just that, with their latest must-watch web series ‘Firsts’ season 2. The series revolves around a young couple Aman and Tanya who meet on a dating app during the current lockdown.
Director of the series, Pranay says, “Our DOPs gave us a crash course on how to select a frame, camera angles, and lightings before we started to shoot Firsts 2. We played the footage back to the team, they told us what angles were working and it became much easier then.”
He further added, “We worked hard on our rehearsals, before we started shooting to understand the flow of every scene and capture the right essence and emotion in every shot. We learnt using a lot of lamps around worked for better lighting, and we tried shooting in natural light as much as possible. We shot this ourselves from our homes and it was a liberating feeling once it was finally done.”
Looks like we all have started adapting to the new normal. Be it any situation, but the show must go on!
Watch how the unique love story of this doting couple unfolds amidst lockdown. Each episode captures every move of their virtual relationship, from their ‘first’ match, to the ‘first time they express their feelings for one another and more.
A must watch only on Dice Media- Firsts Season 2, in 24 different, 1 min- episodes daily on Instagram and Youtube.