The portrait which was a gift to Paras’s mother who is an ardent devotee of Lord Krishna, turns out became one of the most loved and worshiped portraits of Lord Krishna worldwide.
Paras looked so convincing as Lord Krishna that people thought of him as Yashoda Nandan that his picture portrait made its place in every temple and every household not only nationally, internationally too.
People in Vrindavan (where his mother lives) would turn up at their door step to meet Paras.
Paras feels blessed and lucky for the love people have shown him “I had clicked this picture specially for my mother as a gift. There was no intention of fame there. But in no time the picture went viral worldwide,it became famous in Vrindavan and gradually on the Internet and internationally I feel blessed,I never copyrighted this image owing it as a blessing from Lord krishna ”
“Happy Janmashtami to all! May Lord Krishna come to your house & take away all your Makhan- Mishri with all your worries & sorrow” adds Paras.