Greetings of the day...!
We are Happy to inform you that...*
Department of Mechanical Engineering of SCOE has successfully conducted the 30 hrs. (Around 45 days) Offline certification course in 'Basics of Computer Aided Engineering using ANSYS 2022' at the Department, coordinated by Prof. Sagar Upendra Deshpande.*
Around 10 students of Engineering enrolled for this course.*
Ansys is a simulation software widely used in Mechanical Engineering for simulation and having acquired the know hows of this software, adds an impacting and professional skills to the students.*
The department conducted this professional course for the time of more than 30 hours and thus making it a comprehensive module at par with the commercial coaching of the same.*
On 26 May 2022; Friday, the certificates of the course completion were conferred to the students by our President Shri. R. S. Yadav sir.*
On this occasion Dr. R. L. Khandagale, Principal; Siddhant College of Engineering, Prof. U. V. Shinde, Coordinator F E; and Mr. Harihar Chaure O.S.,Dr. P. A. Makasare, Head of the Department, Mechanical Engineering; ; Prof. B. B. Kedar, CEO; Prof. Sagar Deshpande, Coordinator & Prof. R. R. Kulkarni, IQAC Coordinator for this course we're present.*
Heartily and sincere thanks to Shri. R. S. Yadav sir, Shri. Siddhant sir and Shri. Mihir sir for their encouragement and backing up.