Anil Kapoor and Arjun Kapoor recently made an appearance on Extra Innings in order to unveil the first poster of Mubarakan. The pictures are a proof that they had a great time.
The first poster of the movie, which has entertainment written all over it, was unveiled on the show.
Real life chacha and bhatija Anil Kapoor and Arjun Kapoor are collaborating for the first time in Mubarakan, and we cannot wait to see them together on screen. The crazy off-screen duo promise to bring a double dose of fun and madness on 70mm with their upcoming film Mubarakan.
Arjun will be seen in the double role of Karanveer Singh and Charanveer Singh.
Mubarakan is produced by Sony Pictures Networks Productions and Ashwin Varde & Murad Khetani’s Cine1 Studios and is slated to have it's worldwide release on 28th July 2017.