Railways have provided an Alarm Chain Pulling (ACP) option in Suburban and Mail / Express trains for use during emergency purpose only. Of late it is seen that passengers are resorting to ACP for frivolous reasons like arriving late, alighting/boarding at intermediate stations etc.
The act of ACP in train not only affects the running of that particular train but also has a cascading effect on the trains that follow behind. In a suburban system like Mumbai Division, this results in late running of Mail / Express and suburban trains hampering its punctuality. Further the misuse of ACP for the convenience of one or few passengers ends up causing inconvenience to all other passengers.
Central Railway Mumbai Division is keeping a close tab on such unreasonable ACP incidents. During the current calendar year from January to October 31, 2021 Central Railway Mumbai Division registered 1,608 cases of unreasonable ACP cases. Out of these, about 1,381 passengers have been prosecuted realising a fine of Rs. 10.06 lakh.
Railways appeals to the passengers not to resort to ACP for unnecessary / frivolous reasons thereby inconveniencing the rest of travellers. Resorting to ACP in unnecessary circumstances is a punishable offence under section 141 of the Railways Act.