Action, adventure, and fierce competition! India’s biggest stunt-based reality show, Khatron Ke Khiladi – Made In India, snack partner Balaji Wafers, featuring show’s previous champions enthralled the audience with some nail-biting drama, thrill, and emotions. After weeks of showcasing 100 % desi and pacy adventure, Khatron Ke Khiladi Made In India culminated today. The season witnessed the host and action maestro, Rohit Shetty design some incredible stunts making the journey of contestants extremely thrilling. Emerging victorious after enduring some action-packed and electrifying stunts is actor Nia Sharmawho has been crowned as the winner. The daredevil actress took on tasks amidst the stormy Mumbai rains and battled all her fears bravely. The special edition of Khatron Ke Khiladi Made In India created history with its unique concept, nerve-wracking stunts, and high voltage filmy andaaz.
Nina Elavia Jaipuria, Head, Hindi Mass Entertainment and Kids TV Network, Viacom18 said, “With Khatron Ke Khiladi- Made in India, we brought the show to our home turf India for the first time and it was very well received by our viewers. We wanted to add more variety to our programming and present an entertaining weekend property to heighten the thrill and adventure that Khatron Ke Khiladi offers. While all the contestants performed phenomenally, we are happy to announce Nia Sharma as the winner and congratulate her on her achievement. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors for being a part of this journey.”
Nia Shama in her journey took on heights, crawled through fiery explosions, swam through a river of mud, and even braved a watery coffin stunt proving her daredevilry. Having magnificently fought through every situation and crossed every hurdle, Nia Sharma defeated her co-contestants Karan Wahi and Jasmine Bhasin to emerge at the top of the leader board. While she took on all tasks, she also entertained viewers with her super fun camaraderie with co-contestants, especially comedian Harsh Limbachiyaa. By always remaining positive and open to taking on challenges,Nia Sharmaproved she has what it takes to be the winner.
Manisha Sharma, Chief Content Officer, Hindi Mass Entertainment, Viacom18, said, “Given the fact that we were shooting for Khatron Ke Khiladi in India, we got a great opportunity to incorporate various Bollywood elements to the stunts while making it more entertaining. Our Indian crew did a fabulous job with executing some highly action-packed stunts on a scale even bigger than our previous season. Action along with entertainment is a combination that the Indian audiences love, and we were glad we could provide that to our viewers in a filmy andaaz with Khatron Ke Khiladi Made In India. I would like to thank Farah Khan and Rohit Shetty for mentoring the champions and congratulate Nia Sharma on her win.”
Abhishek Rege, CEO, Endemol said, “Khatron Ke Khiladi Made in India has been a fantastic journey and great learning for us all. Viewers got to see some incredible entertaining moments on television in a style they love the most, truly filmy. I would like to congratulate Nia Sharma for her win and for giving such an amazing and spirited performance. To create such an impactful show with the constraints we faced due to the pandemic speaks of the creativity and ingenuity of the entire Khatron Ke Khiladi Made in India team and we look forward to the next season.”
Talking about her journey to the top, Nia Sharma said, “What started off as a fun special edition of Khatron Ke Khiladi Made in India, very quickly became my sole agenda to win the season. I gave my all to every stunt that I performed on the show Also, the team always showed immense faith in me and encouraged me to go and give my best. I did not want to let go of the second opportunity that COLORS gave me. I wanted to win and I would not have been at ease with any other result. Winning the season brought a sense of happiness and satisfaction within me. It was also my answer to those people who thought Nia was only about makeup and styling. No, she's not. She is a winner and she has proven it with this win!"
The thrilling Grand Finale saw a whole lot of action-packed stunts as the contestants engaged in a gripping race to the top. They entered on a Bollywood-style red carpet which soon turned into a fear carpet that pushed them all headlong into the adventure. There were ferocious pythons, spinning stunts performed at towering heights, and a three-part heist stunt designed specially by Rohit Shetty wherein the contestants had to locate a necklace to win the ultimate battle. There were explosions, shattered glass, and electric shocks all around as the finalists tried to locate the missing necklace fighting all odds.”