Union Minister Ramdas Athawale on Thursday met actress Kangana Ranaut at her residence in Mumbai, earlier today. Athawale's meeting with the actress has come a day after BMC demolished 'illegal raising' at Kangana Ranaut's Mumbai Bungalow. Speaking after his meeting with Kangana, Athawale said, "Kangana Ranaut said she is not interested in politics but is interested in ensuring unity in society. She said that in her upcoming film she is playing the role of a Dalit and that caste system should be abolished."
"So, she said that she is not interested in politics and as long as she is working in films, she has no intention of joining politics but if she joins BJP or RPI, we'll welcome her," Athawale added.
Meanwhile, following row after a part of her Mumbai bungalow being demolished, in a show of solidarity with Kangana Ranaut, IMPPA, the association of film producers in India, has condemned the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) for its demolition drive at the office building of the actress.
Athawale, a BJP ally, met Ranaut at her residence in suburban Khar. Athawales party RPI (A) had come out in support of the actress and offered her security at the Mumbai airport when she returned to the city on Wednesday amid sloganeering against her by Shiv Sena workers.
The Union minister though earlier said his party did not agree with the remarks made by Ranaut, who had engaged in a war of words with the Shiv Sena over the issue. The "Queen" star had likened Mumbai to Pakistan occupied Kashmir (POK).
The award winning actress had also said she feared the Mumbai police more than an alleged "movie mafia", evoking strong criticism from the Shiv Sena. On Wednesday morning, the Shiv Sena-controlled BMC had razed "illegal" changes made in her bungalow in suburban Bandra.